Rika and Yossi went together to watch m-flo's concert. The girls had gone backstage to meet them.

Then there are separate pictures of them having gone to watch Blue Man Group. Rika's picture was posted on her M-line page, while Yossi's was posted in this fellow's blog. The picture and entry post had since been taken down from the guy's blog. Now, it's up to you to guess if the girls went together. >_<
And I am sure you are wondering about their similar-looking leather jackets
I really, really, REALLY want to thank you for all of your always awesome info and tidbits :]
I can't believe that I keep missing out on these things...
Thank you~ <3
Don't mention it. That's what this blog is for, to share ishiyoshi goodness. I am not that great, you see. I am not the one who dug up all the news, I just convey what I found on the internet, though sometimes - most of the time - I'll add in my 2 cents.
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