Tuesday, April 28, 2009

[NOT ISHIYOSHI] For those who wonders why I stopped updating the old site.

(For those who are wondering why I stopped updating the other site.
Because I wrote my thoughts and someone started throwing shit at me just because my post supposedly hurt her ego.)

(My original post)
People who like to link their lives with everything 1444 or the girls themselves irks me. Plainly because they HAVE to go around telling the world wide web. And I (or we, too?) are unwittingly forced to read them, thinking at first what info we will be getting.
When they see the girls in skull t-shirts, they say they own one, too.
When they see the girls having more than one earring, they say they have multiple ear piercings, too (and who cares that that's only possible because they have large ears).
When they see the penchants the girls wore, they say they own a similar one, too.
When they happen to see a vehicle with a licence plate or anything whatever'ly '1444', they feel its an auspice from above. (When I wonder if they know the clock will, whether you like it or not, show 14:44 every bloody single day?)
When the girls say they are often out for karaoke and meals, they said they and their girlfriends do exactly the same, too. (Me ask them: 'which dating couple doesn't do these bloody mundane things?')
When they see the girls string a guitar, they say they play the guitars too. (Well, why don't they have some ingenuities and say like, they can do a handstand a la Yossi?)
When one of the girls cuts her hair or dyes it, they said 'What a coincidence, I was just thinking it's about time they do it' (when they are thinking nothing else but the girls every bloody day. Coincidence, my foot).
When the girls say they like to drink, they say they drink, too. (Though I think to tell the world you are a teetotaler is way more cool.)
When everything about them have to be ishiyoshi'able to make them a ishiyoshi shipper.

Just get a damn bloody life!

Yeah, I am in a foul mood today.

Then a few minutes later, after I publish my initial draft, but I was still amidst editing my own post for grammatical errors, somebody, a very kind soul, redirected me to this other place, where the author (yes, the lady who goes around preaching how everything is the 'TRUTH') had already posted a tirade against me.

So, to the person whom I supposingly hurt because she thinks whatever I think or do or say still has anything to do with her, I could only say I'm sorry and my advice, "Yes, you need to get a life".

It's sad that you think you fall into the above prescribed category. And I can tell you, no one in the world can beat you the way you're making yourself looking like a fool, by linking your harangue post back to this one here. I repeat, I don't bug or even bother about you at all. Because why should I? The World isn't about you alone; China alone already has a bloody billion people. Which means you need to get into that head of yours that the world doesn't revolve around you, so, Chill out~

To YOU, yes, now I am talking to YOU (Happy?): You can wallow in self-pity in your so-called sanctuary for all people care, but to drag me into it is just too much! If you think the mere mention of the word 'guitar' was the link to you, you have no idea how many people in this world can actually play the guitar? (Talk about a full-blown narcissist) If I had said 'jamming KMKM on her electric guitar in her bathroom' then I guess nobody will say it's not you I'm referring to. And for your info, those people I had in my mind when I said they
find an affiliation to everything 1444 are those who had linked themselves to the Rika who was playing a 'country' guitar (note my verb usage: string, not jam) in her CDS, not your self-believed h&A's Yossi's electric guitar. Your world is narrow, that doesn't mean mine is; you might only know one person who can play the guitar, but the web is full of hard-die 1444 shippers who can play the guitar. Sorry, I forgot you are a notch better since you can jam (wow~) a guitar. In case if you are wondering where my above pet peeves come from, it is because I read a lot of Japanese 1444 fans' blogs. Widen your scope, kiddie. And of the utmost importance, I said THIS in the beginning of this post:

'And I (or we, too?) are unwittingly forced to read them, thinking at first what info we will be getting.'

And you would think everything about this post is about you??? When I don't even check your sacred place for NEW info about them. GEEZ!

And yeah, you already linked your post back to this entry even before I have finished editing my own post. That's how fanatic you have been 'stalking' me. Give me a break. What? Does that mean I can't even blog now just because it MIGHT hurt your feelings? Or do I have to send you my drafts for approval from now on before I can post them? There are Japanese 1444 shippers, Korean 1444 shippers, Chinese 1444 shippers and American 1444 shippers, and so many other internet users who are bad-mouthing/against 1444, but I don't see you go bug them?
You really do think this whole -or my tiny world of- 1444 fandom is about you alone, isn't it?

You always claim to be the rep of ishiyoshi, from your constant blatant pimping of ishiyoshi in whatever forums you are in, sparing no concern for others, who actually disliked the duo. You claimed the girls to be the 'TRUTH' when there's no concrete evidence that they were. I am TRULY pissed, because your childish and insensitive actions and words only make us, ishiyoshi shippers, a laughing stock in eyes of others. You steal info and thoughts I share with you, repackaged and sell them off as your originals. You're bloody good and convincing back then because you're so bloody good with words. But right now when I had cut you from here, this site, where I have been updating assiduously about the girls, and barred you from my life, what's left of you? You panicked and started pouring out links and sites (in your sanctuary) telling others that's where you supposedly get your sources and info from. I don't see you sharing those links when everything's fine. I think you're just hoping another shipper who understands Japanese, but who doesn't know about those links, will help you out and feed you with info so that you can still pretend to be the maverick of all English Ishiyoshi Fans. When time passed and more people have started isolating themselves from you, you started giving excuses, saying the lack of updates on the girls in your sanctuary was because you were in the countryside with no internet connection. That I believe, though I didn't understand why I would still see your nick popping up every now and then in forums and still pretending to be the one you aren't.

I don't want to be this sarcastic and harsh to you since we were friends before, but yes, I do snap at extremities.

Now you see how silly you have made yourself look.

P/S: I wonder if people think I painstakingly collate and blog info about the girls just to have people verbally abusing and recriminating me (what's with the BLOODY LINK back here) just because they have too sensitive an ego, not to mention, being ultra paranoid.

I don't mind getting flamed. I was said the nastiest thing; I will read them and still smile. I am that sicko. My blogs aren't fanservice, or platforms for recognition. I am not an attention-seeker, or else I wouldn't set my blogs to invite whenever I see people flooding them. Because if that happens, I should in fact enjoy it if I have a maverick mentality (like someone else). You people have no idea the number of hate emails I was subjected to just because my Ishiyoshi site is quite popular among English Ishiyoshi fans. And I knew of die-hard hitomiki shippers actually posing as 1444 shippers and lurk around, waiting for chances to sabotage, leaving nasty comments. Most of you won't know, because most times, I would have deleted their comments fast enough. (Anyway those guys were history now). But you don't see me coming out and ranting about such negativities because I knew such things don't interest other people. I am not a narcissist. I don't talk about me and me and me all the time. I know readers wanna know what's up with our fav. couple and not me, that's why they come to this site. Therefore, most of you might not know how tough it is to maintain this site. Most clicked the URL, see no updates and clicked away. If there's one, they read and then left. Anyone ever appreciated the effort? Yes, only when I locked it. Then I would see hate entries about me in the internet saying how I was arrogant and bad-tempered and petty. But, I don't mind the hate. Because Here is what I love doing, and I know there are people who hate what I am doing. But If they hate me so much and can't keep themselves from coming here, then I have to keep them out. It's as simple as that.
I won't whine or try to explain or beg for others' understanding. People hate me because I pinpoint their fault. Perhaps my wrong is that I am too frank, but I really have strong distaste for people with no principles. Before you start flaming me, think whether you are that perfect yourself.

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